Friday, July 22, 2016

And so it begins..

Something in the predawn hours roused me from my slumber as I rolled over and looked at the numbers glowing across the room. A reported time of 4:23 a.m. was not really the combination of digits I wanted to see. As my eyes cleared I noticed the light from the moon high above my window casting a myriad of rays throughout the room. Taking a deep breath I realized that there were five little fingers weaved through the hair on the back of my head. Fingers belonging to the one and only AJ. An adorable yet at time annoying trait that he started almost from birth. Through the years we have often joked, laughed, complained and shrieked as we dealt with those tiny fingers weaving themselves into our hair at all hours of the day and night. Smiling I glanced over to see AJ's near angelic face as he lay in the MIDDLE of my bed once again.

Don't get me started on the whole kids sleeping in the parents bed or not debate. We have been all over it through the years and on both sides of the fence and then rode the sleeping fence and now I just let him sleep with me given life has been so different in recent months.

Looking at his adorable features of his curly brown hair and long eyelashes I knew that I would truly miss the feeling of those little fingers tangled in my hair. It quickly hit me once again that the reality was this was the last time my four year old son would be sleeping in my house at night without supervision to ensure I don't endanger this precious child. The audacity of that thought just made frustrated beyond belief and it wasn't even dawn yet. Needless to say I was not going back to sleep anytime soon and left me gently stroking AJ's hair as he slept soundly making that little odd breathing noise he makes when he sleeps. My brain started to tumble and roll and go from one topic to another as I tried to make sense of all that has happened in recent days. One moment I would be near tears and other moments so mad I could spit. I knew that in a few short hours I would be dropping AJ off at daycare and when I kissed him good bye it would have more meaning then it ever had before.

As I was struggling to maintain my emotions a little person entered my room and lightly placed their hand on my arm, as she has been taught to do and brought me back to the reality of early hour. My blonde curly haired dreamer was standing there telling me she was hearing a beeping and could I please make it stop. I sat up and hugged her for a moment and told it was likely something from her 17 year old brother's room making that noise and it would stop soon. I kissed the top of her head and sent her back to her bed.

Since the separation, it has not been uncommon for Lexi to come wandering into my room with one concern or another at all hours of the night. Sometimes she has a belly ache while other times it is a noise she heard (Thanks Courtney) and other times she just needs some daddy loving. There is nothing I would not do for Lexi as she is always trying to make sense of the world around her. If something does not make sense she figure out a way to make it logical even if it means making it up. Some people call it lying, which it is, but really it is one smart scared little girls attempt to make sense of the world around her and the changes she is experiencing as a child of divorce.

These moments in time haunt me and yet scare me all at the same time. Will I ever have these moments again? Will my kids know I love them no matter how often I am allowed to see them? Will I find what I need in order to get them back? I keep rolling it all back to Father God and try really hard to be brave and trust He has it all under control. I love my kids, all 5 of them and facing a life with little contact with them is not ok.

Making phone call after phone call and sending emails and messages to all kinds of people and places and yet I get no answers or told, "We can't help you," or "Have you tried this agency or that place?" So many people say they want to help, but who will help my kids get their daddy back? I am doing everything I know to do and feeling frustrated and it is only day two of what will indeed be a long and exhaustive process to be truly a whole family again.

Please keep the kids and I in your prayers....
Please share our story with anyone and everyone...
Please consider helping us financially....

More updates in the days ahead....

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Time to PUSH some more....The Ballard Bunch needs your help!

P-U-S-H – Pray until something happens. This was my plea a couple of weeks ago and clearly it worked as prayers and good thoughts were shooting up from all over the globe and yesterday finally something HAPPENED. Sadly the happening was not what I was hoping would happen.

Judge Green of Cole County Courts in Jefferson City, Missouri, determined that it was not in the best interest of my children to have an ongoing daily relationship with me, their father. He ruled that full custody of my children (aka The Ballard Bunch) would go to their mother and that the children would be allowed to have supervised visits with their father based on their mother’s sole discretion. There were no parameters established as to length, frequency and type of supervised visitation they would be allowed to have with their father only that they had to be supervised.

My children (as do all children) need their father and yet at no time during the course of the divorce trial was it ever proven in any way shape or form that I had ever harmed my children or put them at risk. The mother of my children sat on the witness stand and admitted to the fact that I was a good father and loved my children and provided excellent care as the primary care giver to our five children over the past five years. It was five years ago that together we made the decision for me to leave my full time employment and become a full time stay at home dad. There were three attorneys involved in the case and all three proposed 3 different custody arrangements of these five children and Judge Green ignored all the proposals and went off and did his own thing. Having sole custody of the children was not what my ex-wife asked for. I truly believe it places an unfair burden on her.

In a culture where the cry of so many is to ensure that children have actively involved fathers in their lives, my children are denied this in their own lives. A father who has dedicated his life to theirs and ensuring they had everything they needed to be successful in life including my own unwavering commitment and love to them. Look at my Facebook page and you will see posts and photo after post and photo of their life with dad. If you know one of the members of The Ballard Bunch ask and they will tell you how they feel about our family. Their mother has stated she wants me to continue to have a relationship with the children and has no desire to keep me out of the loop, yet that does not equal total and unfettered access to me as their father. Everything will have to run through the filter of their mother, who is a good person, but is viewing things through the perspective of hurt and possibly anger due to the demise of our marriage. I admit I made a number of mistakes in our marriage and she was hurt by me and I have apologized privately and publicly, but I am still concerned that  her attitude towards me will seep into the hearts of my children if not given consistent ongoing contact with me.

We all know that there are two sides to every story, but in my opinion there is only one side to look at and that is side of the CHILDREN! The Ballard Bunch who need their father’s ongoing consistent involvement in daily life not when and if it is convenient for their mother to include me? So all this background to say this…

IT IS TIME TO P-U-S-H AGAIN! I am asking you all to join me in prayer as I take on the arduous task of appealing this decision. The appeals process is tiring, expensive, and emotionally nerve wracking, but I do this primarily for my children not for me. Yes I admit I am hurt and devastated by the ruling and would love to crawl into a hole and never come out again, but once again I choose to rise and take a stand for my children who need their father. I have already spent thousands of dollars on the initial divorce and still owe several thousands to my divorce lawyer who did a good job of representing me and is also baffled by the outcome. I appreciate his non offensive approach in the courtroom but now for the appeal it is time to be on the offense and fight for the rights of my children to have a father.

It is also at this time that I am going to make a bold statement that may shock some of you. That may cause some of you to unfriend me on Facebook and even in life. Some of you already know or won’t be surprised at all. I truly believe the judge’s main motivation behind his ruling was homophobia. Since my ex-wife left me 19 months ago, I have acknowledged and accepted my identity as a man who is homosexual. You will not find me to be a rainbow flag waving man on the front lines of the latest gay agenda item. But I at the same time I will do what I need to get the rights of my children back so they can be with their father. I don’t define myself as a gay man, but rather a man who happens to be gay. I am also a son, father, brother, cousin, friend, confidant, Coca Cola lover, Scottish Terrier owning, tv show binger, flea market junkie, and most important I still claim first and foremost my identity as a CHILD OF GOD!

As I noted above, not all of you will be supportive of my stated declaration. If you don’t like it and don’t want to hear it then you may unfriend me on Facebook and don’t read my blog any longer. That is your choice. I only need people in my life that will support my children’s desire and need to have an active daily relationship with their father. This is not the time engage me in theological, philosophical or moral debate, as you will be put on the back burner and ignored until the appeal is over. You either support the need for my children to have a father or you don’t. If you don’t quietly move along for the sake of my children.

The reason I tell you all this here and now is that this appeal has the potential to gain some notoriety which may or may not help the decision to be overturned. Being so public would not be my preference as I enjoy a private life and want to protect my children from the harsh realities of life given their backgrounds. Additionally, there is potential for people to gossip and spread stories of half-truths and flat out lies as this appeals process moves forward. Being this forth coming  results in no big surprises for anyone. If you have a question or concern about something I ask you come to me and ask me directly. I have nothing to hide and at this point no secrets. I yam what I yam!

There are several things I am asking my family, friends, and acquaintance to do if you feel so led to be a part of our family's journey! 

  1. 1 Please continue the P-U-S-H for giving the kids back their dad. Pray until something happens. Pray a lawyer agree to takes the case. Pray that the children will continue to feel loved, blessed and adored by their dad during this season. Pray for peace and protection for each of the kids during this season
  2. Pray that wisdom is given regarding the myriad of financial issues I am facing during this time. Pray that the legal system will find favor on behalf of my children as the appeal progresses. And above all pray that God’s will is executed in the months ahead.
  3. Please spread the word of this case. Share this blog post on your Facebook pages so that word will get out there that the judicial system is robbing The Ballard Bunch of their father. There needs to be some publicity and fervor behind this case in order to the attention of some key movers and shakers. I am just one man advocating for my children, I need others advocating on their behalf as well. Others to join me so please share our story with others in discussions, forward to every lawyer you know, just share the story that these children are losing their daddy and it is because of bigotry and ignorance.
  4. It is very difficult for me to ask for help but I have no choice. I have set up a Go Fund account for anyone who wants to assist me financially with additional legal costs as the appeal process moves forward. Don’t do it for me. Do it for those five children who need their daddy! You will see information on my Facebook page about how you can contribute to the Go Fund account. No pressure and I don’t expect much, just know that I am selling everything that is nailed down in order to fund this appeal. Furnishings, my Coke Collection, housewares, clothing, everything not necessary to my daily living will be sold to fund this appeal. My fear is that still won’t be enough. This is a very difficult thing for me to ask for, but I do it for my children.
  5.  It will be tempting to want to pick a side in this situation. This is not a case of sides. This is not a case of mother versus father. This is not a case of gay versus straight. This is a case for the CHILDREN and their need to have two parents active in their daily lives. This is a case where a judge took the authority he was given by the voters and executed in such a way that five kids have lost a father they can count on to be present in their lives each day!
  6.  Finally, if you know my kids and see them somewhere don’t talk to them about these matters. This is their fight, but it is a fight I am waging on their behalf. They need to enjoy their childhoods as much as they can in the midst of all these transitions and changes. You can give them love, understanding and patience as they adjust to these changes. Keep them out of the details of all that is about to happen.

I truly don’t know what all the future holds for the kids and I as we move forward. I have confidence that it will be ok! I am not going to sit idly by and let these things happen without fighting for what is best for my children. I will never give up on my kids whether I see them every day or once a week or twice a month. These kids were given to me as precious beautiful gifts and I have never taken that for granted or ever willingly put them in harm’s way nor would I ever. Anyone who knows me and my commitment to children in this country knows that.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this.  I will keep the blog updated as updates become available. Thanks for considering ways you can help The Ballard Bunch.